What we do at StageDotO
You could be here for any number of reasons...
We're here for THREE:

One bite at a time. One serve at a time. One snowflake at a time. One stride at a time. We’ve been at this long enough to live by the sum, not the parts. But we know persistence pays off and our founders put their heads down when it’s time to put their heads down. And we’re right there with them.

There will be the unexpected and it might be a problem. But there will not be panic. When we embrace a premise, part of the process is to allow it the time to take shape. That’s not to say anyone is waiting on stalactites to form. We’re certainly not. It’s just that it takes a minute to dig a moat.

Without it, we just have jobs. Good jobs, sure. It’s just a lot easier to bring the lunch pail every day when the dream is to see a skyscraper poke through the clouds. There is little we care more about than company creation. We thrive on the energy of our entrepreneurs. They likely put their lives on hold to do this. We cannot imagine missing the chance to join them on the way.