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​ur founder path

Founders don't all walk in the exact same footsteps but there is a Path


From Intro To Exit

We are immersed in our portfolio companies with an incessant passion and commitment.  Coupled with our experience and rooted expertise in scaling businesses, we are uniquely equipped to Amplify.

The Founder Path flows along this direction:

Introduction through
First Check

We all know when it's a fit

Begin with an intro meeting with a partner on the StageDotO team. There will be other meetings if we are mutually interested.  Share with us why you are doing this, what it takes for you to win, traction, and product roadmap. Introduce us to a few customers and meet with some of our founders.


Together, we create an operating plan for the next 18+ months and agree on key outcomes, the path to get there and the hiring plan needed.  Align top priorities, define milestones, metrics & targets, and migrate from whiteboard to excel.


Collaborate on an efficient diligence, close the round and celebrate!  Calendar our weekly sync, get intros to peer founders and tap into StageDotO network benefits.

Welcome to Startup Land

How many hats you can wear?

Focus your go to market with one approach to one ideal customer profile as you start hiring individual contributors across sales, marketing, and customer success. Learn/iterate quickly on what does and does not work with regard to stacking up and retaining annual recurring revenue.


Expand product beyond MVP based on roadmap and customer voice and throughput by hiring your 1st PMs and Dev leads to scale delivery and become intentional around your product roadmap and deliverables.

Got PMF?

Product Market Fit is knocking...

Repeatable scalable processes start to form in various parts of the business - including lead gen, sales pipeline and on-boarding.  Start leading & managing small teams with a balanced operational cadence. Board meetings create the space to look up from the forest and reflect with higher level insights.  Founder lead sales is replaced by experienced GTM leads to help scale. 


Adjust targets and operating model with one eye on growth and the other on burn.  Growing confidence that you now have the story, motion, and balancing the team needed for rapid growth.

Next Check, please

Time to Raise!

Collaborate on version after version of the updated pitch deck, operating model and prep the data room.  We'll help navigate the financing process with the right investors and intro several that appreciate StageDotO companies. Receive terms sheets, select a lead that will be a true partner, add the most strategic value and be in it for the long run.  Close the round celebrate (for a minute)....and you're already behind so it's time to ramp and grow again!


No sweat.  You are ready - because you have built a balanced & focused business and we are proud be in the boat and to continue on the journey!

StageDotO is in the foxhole

We are in the trenches with you all along the path as partners.  We have stake in the game and our model is centered on engagement and support of our portfolio companies.  Having tough conversations,  making hard decisions, taking the best idea in the room and trying it and then iterating... all this is second nature in how we operate.  We aim to be partners, sounding boards, confidants, consiglieres, and coaches to our founders.  And the nice part is - we love doing this stuff. 

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